tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
BS of life and all its wonders---and the fact we are losing all aspect of reality---we are being totally expunged from existence---and traces of this is all about us—memory loss
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:50:13

BS of life and all its wonders---and the fact we are losing all aspect of reality---we are being totally expunged from existence---and traces of this is all about us—memory loss

keeping everyone distracted and not really seeing the big picture ---Some ask what is the big picture? ANSWER IS!!! What is so stupid and so short sighted that would buy into investing in a technology

Changes are Materializing

Things are changing and as a result of being in interim state I will need to make changes to donations. So as of now am going to use substack as the means of support financially to continue in R & D and Podcasting. For those who are already involved---nothing is going to change –access is there for anything that is currently there. Anything that is online --- vids and websites will be free to anyone who is already accessing them. Archives and books will still be for sale as well as Tech and Remedies—--- For me to continue what I’m doing, this change needs to be made. Through what Substack offers, I can continue with solution solving and data utilization that’s pertinent to the times. Keeping Up with R & D is always a challenge so consultations will still be available and contributions can keep me going to further better the results everyone needs without the rift raft we are currently seeing.---If you wish to support in an alternative way then send an email to or to be given details as to what can be done. --if you subscribe then there will be a 5% discount on purchases for the Flash Drive and Remedies with the extensive archive and data that can assist you with current situations. Remedies can be a formulary that can be designed for you and your specific needs Again thanks for the support I have received but with all this uncertainty in these times I have to adjust as well to go with the flow.

I can be reached t for consultations –tech products –orthonolecular and botanical supplements ( at the moment ltd rebuilding inventory ) books -Yannis Tutorial / Yannis Version of Spike "Consultation link Fiona for Health / Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" -- Zac-- and for consults –nanotech flash drives—

Can you see what I see?---or are you just floating in unreality?—are you stuck in misery? –that this fake Ecstasy presents to thee!!! Was thinking more and more about the BS of life and all its wonders---and the fact we are losing all aspect of reality---we are being totally expunged from existence---and traces of this is all about us—memory loss—with all the wonderful shit in the sky-manganese—lithium-c 60-black carbon aluminum—solvents-mercury---and that’s just some of the things in the air ---then theres the fluoride in the water table and the nanoplastics –the silicas—and the titanium and nanosilver-aluminum in the foods and other agents and colours –and then there is soy which causes brain shrinkage---it’s a wonder those of us who can think do still---the rest---welll leave me in your will---you will be eradicated soon enough!! here is a scene about the annihilation of a populace and what is being said is already happening ---most cant remember 15 minutes and this insane run run run to go nowhere is ever present---keeping everyone distracted and not really seeing the big picture ---Some ask what is the big picture? ANSWER IS!!! What is so stupid and so short sighted that would buy into investing in a technology that is designed to replace everyone on the planet???

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Answer is… People—the idea of following a murderous group of people who has no conscience toward evolution toward the planet and its inhabitants screams lethality—and an attitude of YOU ASKED FOR it!!!!---Now some of you think I am being negative –over the top or even a bit of a hard ass--- negative-No I calls them as I see them—over the top---again I calls them as I see them—hard ass---at times- this maybe true but with this I calls them as I see them—let me explain—theres a small---really small contingency of people that are grown up enough to see that whats going on and whats been going on in the last 5 years was beyond belief at what we seen –with being manipulated into taking a gene editing experiment--- and People didn’t die til they took the jab—injection—weaponized operating system –the thing that was so shocking about it was the fact the govt ---who I thought people distrusted and despised-- was the one selling the idea of a scaredemic that instead of people really looking at this just volunteered—S T U P I D L Y --I might add- to volunteer for the experiment—when there was nothing—and nothing to be scared of!!! The Mkultra program was a success—after 60 years it got about 95-98% of the GP to go along with this and as a result

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this is what has happened---the outcome and irresponsibility of the pharma industry showing how they are going to assist in your extinction—you re eradication—you re assassination—you re extermination---the uncanny thing is the denial about this eh!? People are still in denial—whole sectors of towns villages cities suburbs and regions have been wiped out—and its all being done randomly—DO you think the increase death tolls is about reducing the obsolete?? Is it also you?? After all everyone has this ego –“Im irreplaceable” and yet everything is being replaced---sooo how do you solve the problem with the people who are redundant or unnecessary ? what do you do with them?? They worked like machines butt you know they aren’t—They broke down and the employers scammed them out of their benefits and compensation—because they couldn’t make the overlords profitable!! So what do you do with a population of people who cant even wipe there backside with out their cell phone to show them how??-WAR---what is good for—population reduction!!! And resetting-- ---Just to make sure you understand the obsolescence that I am talking about even in the military the kill show is done by an autonomous machine powered by data and a program where it can selectively eliminate any thing it deems---So even in war –machines are replacing everyone—so if you think for instance you can do something specific ---well think again so can any of the versions of the peripheral AI that is out there today right now--!! And what about the designers of war---wont they also design policing?? Do you think you re privileges are still going to be intact under the technocracy that’s manifesting –We have all seen first hand how heavy handed the police were with the policies on covid ---removing by force the rights ( privileges) of people to be able to chose based on there rights and freedoms under the constitutions and charters that are in place---do you remember when Arnold Schwarzenegger stated “screw your freedoms” what was he saying at that point in time?? Remember he wasn’t in any official capacity at the time—he was on the media proclaiming something that was totally established and recognized as the law of the land he was denouncing this in the name of safety!!! And it was that simple how the law enforcement was breaking the laws – So the agenda is showing you more and more how you become irrelevant—when some one who is also replaceable is now talking down on everyone---so then what happens when a AI programmed cyberdevice that’s an official security or a policing equipment not only has the capability of monitoring you but as well Make a decision on how much force to utilize?

And with the dog bots and the mandroids that are being mass produced and everyone seeing them being displayed at places and even a mad race to engineer them to be more versatile and replicate us with the abilities we have ---how long do you think the global alliance- or the global confederation will allow compensation for services rendered?? Only the ones capable of upgrading to the trends will be allowed to live—the rest –will be allowed to make the choice—choose which way you want to be recycled—reincarnated as a protein—being turned into a can of pet food—or maybe fish food or possibly fertilizer!!! Or maybe harvesting you re organs---or even feeding your genes once its been erased so the AI can have what it needs to propagate and engineer itself to new levels of expansion--- The finality of evolution boils down to being a node in a machine fully integrated going from flesh to tech and as you can as well see these nothing left from cells to fullerenes –from genes to dendrimers—the continuum of data without anything left of the template that once was alive is now a operating system---with all of thes possibilities you will see as well how much AI is in your life already replacing you as well stealing from you one way or another This is Ai on a learning curve and what we are also seeing here as it learns ---like a child it can make mistakes but the difference between this and a child is a child takes way longer to assess and evolve where with AI it can take moments to hours ---so the fact that a lot of people never evolve puts everyone in a compromised position---since this is ongoing and most aren’t going anywhere—well maybe some kind of meat grinder---so keep in mind what happened in the 1920s is now a repeat in the 2020’s –and its not going to take long to get us to a global war but this time I speculate the war will be an appearance---I would suspect each country may set there own forces against there own people ---which was already initiated with the scammer of 2019 when every country plagued there own people with a bioweapon---this may come up again but instead of a biologically designer weapon they may come up with energy weapons of a magnitude to wipe out whole sectors –especially those of prime land where resources like water will be used for data centres or AI block chain—oblivion is showing whats really going on with AI

Data Centres and block chain where the AI needs water as a resource why in Idaho and Calgary and other places are having issues with water because the water is being rerouted to the AI instead of the farmers and the farm lands and prime areas where access to key elements like lithium iton cobalt phosphorus and nickel are being stormed upon and causing untold cost and dame to cause people to move in specific directions whether they be states- provinces- territories---people being displaced and redirected—still think you e not dispensable or irreplaceable---you may want to watch the movie oblivion ---it gives you a good scenario where we are going and whos in control---the one thing AI and Mankind both need is power—and one isn’t going to make it---the one with the brains will!!! They will see this nightmare for what it is and then maybe –decide to pool there brain power there skills and there resources to break from there pod—there containment—there cage –there program—and walk and talk as evolved people should ---getting past the crust and sprouting something better---because if we stay where we are we will lose everything and most if it is gone already –history---whats left of it –and whats not being fabricated as real—has taught us several things—One –we have had this tech and more before---nothing new—Two-everything before us all fell the same exact way---and the more advanced they were ---the harder they fell to a point there completely overlayed with earth and elements—3 what ever came out of that fall had to start all over and as a result took longer to regain the levels of advancement 4 each time they all built the same doomsday devices-5 time is in a loop and history will keep repeating itself—6 only a handful ever woke up or grew up enough to see the finale- 7-the earth changed as a result so did the people-they were usually dumb ox s for some time---this maybe one of the reasons by into the reincarnation trap---remember if you can a politician never tells you the truth and religion always tells you a lie!!!

Special Note and Warning---if you have taken any Jabs that has MRNA in ( LNP as well) DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT USE ANY DEVICE THAT WILL RELEASE AN EMP OR A PEMF OR ANY DEVICE THAT WILL CAUSE ANY PULSATIONS OR CHARGE!!! DO SO AT YOUR OWN PERIL—We have had a report from some one who bought a triangle from some one ---I do not know who they purchased from-- and as a result they had a severe back lash—as I have been warning but no one seemed to listen ---everyone thinking they are smarter then they are ---ego and greed at its best—to justify a sale---as a result of using this device after being warned about the jabs and not to use---he was refused by me and went some where else to buy it---the LNP in the body got activated---and as a result he s now had protrusions and assembly in the colon and stomach region—and it has advance the release of the gain of function of their Bioweapon ----he contacted some one I know on this and said the assessment I made on the use of the devices is correct ---if you have bought any device ---whether a zapper—a spooky—a rife—a tenz—a PEMF –or any type of EMP –OR A Thz --avoid---the research was posted for 2 years not to use if you have been injected with any Mrna Jab---Again DO NOT USE ANY DEVICE THAT CAN Activate ---DO not add any nano metal as well being sold as a supplement or otherwise !!!! Disregard all supplements that have had any kind of proclamation of benefit from Methylene blue - c 60 zeolite- silica- nanosilver or gold or any nanometal or any kind of shungite ( do not wear) yeast products ( has gain of function) any pico products—anything that has nanocontamination in supplements or cosmetics- all of these products can be activated and react to a signal with a directive through photons ( li fi –or feq wi fi or any other means of relaying a programs including sound and emr)

For those who did not take any MRNA bioweaponary—or any form of LNP device--- you can utilize the EMP/PEMF tech ---But do not take any nano metals in the Remember to get the best results to increase recover first deactivate the nanobioengineering ongoing with the body utilizing the tools at hand with the use of the anti nano products that have been introduced ---the upgraded anti nano buckets and triangles and the spike or the surge and purge tech these should be done daily as well to be optimal and then utilized products as free as possible of all excipients or make you re own to further increase success

Something to see and Remedy honey Im home---the home of nano toxicology in the food you eat-in Honey viewed from the Netherlands

Zinc and Copper ---would suggest access this and save

The Spike is now up on rumble and bitchute -rumble bitchute

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