tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
Are You Woke!!!!??? I mean are you really aware?? Do you really comprehend?? Do you really see the truth for what it really is in regard to how you re being killed with the Fake food safety in regard

Are You Woke!!!!??? I mean are you really aware?? Do you really comprehend?? Do you really see the truth for what it really is in regard to how you re being killed with the Fake food safety in regard

in regard to orgasmically organics and natural foods and what wholesome is??? Do you really think that the world as we know it is clean?? Do you really believe that what you re eating is nutritious!

Support – is always appreciated—and want to continue to remind everyone deal direct and keep the prying eyes away from what we do in our lives—--if supporting this Audio- Post  please send emails to instruct what to do and here s how you go direct

"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

Are You Woke!!!!??? I mean are you really aware?? Do you really comprehend?? Do you really see the truth for what it really is in regard to how you re being killed with the Fake food safety in regard to orgasmically organics and natural foods and what wholesome is???   Do you really think that the world as we know it is clean?? Do you really believe that what you re eating is nutritious!!!??   ---heres how the propagnda works –not just in health but in every day living as well -

--  I get the emails all the time when another rip off con artist talks a lot of S%^& about the dangers of viitamins or supplements—

especially crucial vitamins you actually need and all the hysteria of where they come from and whats supposed to be in them—and how they are Dangerous!!! Don’t you get tired of having you re pocket picked---screwed out of your money by these fraudsters?? Below is a picture of the land an it been contaminated with all kinds of poisons --

Here s another perspective as wll on how youre eating a perception---not a reality--- Soil and water pollution poses a bigger threat to people in low-and middle-income countries because of their greater exposure to contaminants. However, the increasing globalization of our food supply chains means this problem now affects everyone-- --With the importation of foods as well what ever is being utilized in those autonomous countries  can also add to the problems because of what they use and where they grow and the chemtrails and industrial pollutants and even pharmaceuticals that are also contaminating there food supply abroad---

We always get the cartoon version of what safe foods are –and the Orgasmically organic is just a license to cell more expensive foods  which re all exposed to the same things non organics are sooooooooo---why are you listening to the actors who are pretenders and are doing the work of the Rockefellers???

As you can see they have recruited agents to sell you what is Shit and make you believe  that what they are selling you or telling you is more fiction and fantasy then reality---even with the studies which are at best 1-2 studies or studies bought and paid for by the propagators of these BS products---and as you can see you re getting more then enough metals and pollutants and endocrine disrupting materials just from the soil—OoooOPpSssS there goes the orgasmically organic

That what they are selling is good for you and with the whole agenda is to undermine and make you more gullible to the real intent---that is to make you more destituted—deprived and they neve offer any real solutions where by You actually recover—are restored and totally renewed!!!! So are You W O K E!!!??? Ever wonder why they sell you things that can deplete you of a vital component for the brain?? Especially these days how they sell stuff for the brain and charge mega buck when a simple black coffee for pennies does the same thing utilizing the glucose in the brain for energy and increasing oxygen flow?? Ever wonder why they are selling nanometals which totally programmable with frequencies and Prion programming ---biofilm ( gellan) yeast ( gain of function ) and then adding acutal freq devices as well as elements that super conduct the nanogenetech inside of you to assemble and to integrate inside of you on all levels---from youre genetics to your dna to your cells and tissues and organs yet they ae following the rockefeller creed by keeping everyone deluded and conflicted---to a point where everything is so polarized and alienated that there is no sound Unity!!! Even Ministers and Priest in the institutions are misleading the people in there “Religion”  especially in the name of theology and  and legalism they will send there flocks---congregations—parishioners—believers to the belly of the devil as a sacrifice and the payment is always a profit for Blood!!! Nothing is new—wasn’t Jesus betrayed for 30 pieces of silver??? And now the same is ongoing throughout the planet from the highest hierarchy in any religion or faith to the lowest the blood sacrifices are being made yet people continue to listen to the  sweet nothings 

Then asked him the Pharisees and Scribes, Why [g]walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the Elders, but eat meat with unwashen hands?--[h]Then he answered and said unto them, Surely Isaiah hath prophesied well of you, hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoreth me with lips, but their heart is far away from me. --[i]But they worship me in vain, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men--[j]For ye lay the Commandments of God apart, and observe the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and of cups, and many other such like things ye do. This is what happened with the last side show called a pandemic where there wasn t any --and what came of this ---DEATH!!!!---MEGADEATH--- and the numbers were never revealed but with a simple deduction you can see how many died and for what??? To weaken the infrastructure from within---a Trojan horse –that was done with seduction and deception--- Now with all of this we come to another feature that the recruits to sell you some corrupt science who exemplify  the real intent want to put nanomaterials in your body and what happens when this occurs? Im glad you asked  heres a vid of a robot inside on a nano scale integrating with a neuron---this is always ongoing why you feel things crawling and creeping inside of you---an no amount of supplements or nanometals—silver –zeolites—nano golds---then there are botanicals---even freq will not disengage this unless you hit the aggregates or agglomerates  operating systems  and totally disengage and remove---with each and every resonance they put out ---because all you do is create a morphology ---an adaption program kicks in

  this will give you an idea of the IOT going on inside of you---and they want to continue with there seductions to sell!!! This seems to be missing in all there wisdom---they never deal with the operating system  always dealing with the symptoms and selling you things based on symptomatology  and by adding to whatever is being assaulted in the air  see the nanoassembly unfolding and you assimilating this or  should I say you being assimilated  on a daily bases and you re wondering why you re not feeling as you should or could ---perhaps its because when you keep listening to the sparkles of the recruits selling you a fiction to get you to waste your resources on things that sabotage you further you eventually realize nothing is working and lose heart!!! Then when something real comes along you re to afraid to try even after you see people doing things you

A tad gun shy---I don’t blame anyone on this –you go through what ever and then at the end of it all you feel hopeless---that’s the plan---that s the idea ---to break you down and to make you feel like you have no hope---and to get you to give out and to give up—so  Now we have something else in the wind—a new and more effective killing machine---one that will kill everything it touches and you are going to hear more and more bravado---more claims ---more seduction on how these sons and daughters of belieal continue to seduce you---whether they be priest  --immans---rabbis---holy men—shamans---new age—mkultra spiritism—the occult -scientist--and anything else I missed –there seems to be this parasitical theme to feed on your wealth then you re flesh –are you W O K E!!!! simplest equation one can have ---if God is not the centre of the equation then you have chaos—and that leads self destruction!!!! So if God is the centre in all of this ---then why has there been no cures??? Why hasn’t anyone ever been healed? Whether in a religious institution or a scientific one---what we have today is treatments which seems to be lacking in any discipline from the recruits selling BS!!!!

The Self amplifying RNA  or saRNA  is going to be released shortly after the selection---there are t many dying from the last fiasco and the numbers are rising---so now a new wave of outbreaks are going to happen  with this---and whether masked or unmasked ---whether separated or not separated ---whether you take the or not this one is going to be lethal and will impact even the surrounding environment---they want you dead!!!! They aren’t going to allow you to live an what they want is to further weaken the infrastructure like Kamala and Trudeau did and further infect the GP like Trump and Trudeau  did –so that the agents brought within the country will have an easier time to dominate whats left and imprison them in the 15 min camps!!! Here s the next lie


ARCT-154 COVID-19 Replicon Vaccine (self-amplifying mRNA) trial data released. 5 deaths occurred among the injected in study phase 3b. Injected participants experienced a 90% adverse event rate (74.5% systemic - 15.2% required medical attention) after the first dose in study phases 1, 2, and 3a combined. Many of the authors are full time employees of -, the vaccine manufacturer. Thus, the study conclusions are likely to be biased. ARCT-154 is already approved for adults in Japan. The safety data confirms that this novel genetic technology is not safe for human use.

Remember since we are living in a NanoGenetechnology Existence with frequency activation further inducing EMRs you may want to disengage the NanoGenetechnology before engaging in any kind of remedial---if you don’t disengage then you wont see the results you should use spike –or surge and purge –or anti nano triangle or anti nano bucket to disengage and to remove the unwanted programmed circuitry

Suggestions---things that may super boost your Immune system and Mitochondria                                                                                        Lipoic Acid may help to preserve the Mitochondria (due to its Antioxidant properties).--Vitamin C may repair damage to the Mitochondria and may facilitate the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) within the Mitochondria:  Vitamin C exerts Antioxidant effects that may protect the Membranes of the Mitochondria from the toxic effects of Free Radicals generated during Energy production in the Mitochondria.nVitamin E exerts Antioxidant effects that may protect the Membranes of the Mitochondria from the toxic effects of Free Radicals generated during Energy production in the  Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) transports Lipids into the Mitochondria and may help to prevent the accumulation of toxic levels of Lipids in the Mitochondria. Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) transports Lipids into the Mitochondria and may help to prevent the accumulation of toxic levels of Lipids in the Mitochondria.  Carnitine may facilitate the transport of Long-Chain Saturated Fatty Acids into the Mitochondria:  -Carnitine molecules in the Cytoplasm outside the Mitochondria of the body's Cells combines with a molecule of Long-Chain Saturated Fatty Acid and a molecule of Acetyl Coenzyme A to form a complex that can penetrate the wall of the Mitochondria.-Carnitine inhibits the ability of Zidovudine (AZT) to damage the Mitochondria of Muscle Fibers. Creatine Monohydrate may help to restore low Creatine Phosphate levels to normal in people with impaired function of the Mitochondria of Cells (known medically as Mitochondrial Cytopathy).  Impaired function of the Mitochondria is associated with low Creatine Phosphate levels in the Mitochondria Use 1 tsp of creatine basic with phosphorus ( TSP 1/5 tsp –Sunflower lecithin 1/5 tsp  and magnagese and zinc chloride 4 drops of each.  Ethylene-Diamine-Tetra-Acetate (EDTA, the synthetic Amino Acid often used in Chelation Therapy) may stabilize the Mitochondria of Cells (it combines with and stabilizes the Inner Membrane of the Mitochondria).  N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) may improve the function of the Mitochondria-- use 1 gram of NAC with 2 grams of C do this once or twice a day.  85% - 90%  ---of the body’s Oxygen is consumed by the Mitochondria.  Melatonin may preserve the integrity of the Mitochondria:  Melatonin may retard the impairment of the Mitochondria that occurs in tandem with the progression of the Aging Process.--Magnesium Bicarbonate may enhance the function  of the Mitochondria:  --Magnesium Bicarbonate prevents the excessive production of protons from Carbon Dioxide in the Mitochondria.  It maintains an optimal electrochemical concentration gradient across the innter mitochondrial membrane.  This serves to optimize the transduction of Energy from electrons from the Electron Transport System (ETP) to Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).  This results in increased cellular Energy. Acetyl Coenzyme A facilitates the transport of Long-Chain Saturated Fatty Acids into the Mitochondria. A form of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) - known as mitochondrial DNA (or mtDNA) resides in the Mitochondria and is essential for the reproduction of Mitochondria (this mitochondrial DNA is extremely prone to damage by Free Radicals and is less capable of repairing the Mitochondria than nuclear DNA).--Coenzyme Q10 may increase the Oxygen supply to the Mitochondria and may increase Energy production by the Mitochondria - the Mitochondrion contain approximately 50% of the body’s total Coenzyme Q10 content Cq 10  100mg  in sunflowe lecithin 1/5 tsp  or egg yolk  --Now with everything in here this will do both restore an immune support ---and fortify your immune system---other things to consider isn copper chloride---zinc  chloride  manganese  chloride  - Iodine 1-4  drops in water—selenium 1-5 mgs a day if compromised  1 mg a day or every other day –Vitamin A  10 000IU– B12 cyan or  Methylcobalamin---use with sulphur ( msm—garlic extract---onion extract ) 1mg -5mg  with 1/5 tsp of garlic  or 1 gram of sulphur

 Herbs to consider as well would be those with high saponin content as well as immune stenghtening and adaptogens -As a pharmacotherapeutic group adaptogens were recently defined as herbal preparations that increased attention and endurance in fatigue, and reduced stress-induced impairments and disorders related to the neuro-endocrine and immune systems --like Rhodiola---Astragulus—Thyme Oregano ( mediteranean) Bay Leaf-Savoury ( Summer) Garlic Onion Burdock Root-Dandelion-Black Seed  Rosemary Gota Kola Siberian Ginseng Guarana------use as teas- broths- tinctures or extracts

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