tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
Are you ready for another beer psyop?? Remember when the corona Beer commercials were in your face and all we seen was some sort of celebrity presenting messages of “drink hardy

Are you ready for another beer psyop?? Remember when the corona Beer commercials were in your face and all we seen was some sort of celebrity presenting messages of “drink hardy

and all the preliminary actions showing the superiority of this Man( well lets call this that for lack of a better term) a trained psy op MKULTRA divergent who they used a beer commercial

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"Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak "Consultation link  will be automatically applied The bermuda "Triangle" --Yannis Tutorial Firemedic 8 / Yannis Version of Spike  blog  by aroy mak  Fiona for Health /  Cherie A gal who knows some stuff alternative health/ nano  Kim Bochinski, M.A Christian Counselling & Spiritual IssuesTrauma and Critical Incident Grief & Loss, Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, Family" and nano advisor and tech builder    Zac-- and for consults –nanotech  --flash drives—I can be reached t  and

Are you ready for another beer psyop?? Remember when the corona Beer commercials were in your face and all we seen was some sort of celebrity presenting messages of “drink hardy” and all the preliminary actions showing the superiority of this Man( well lets call this that for lack of a better term) a trained psy op MKULTRA divergent who they used a beer commercial and after a period of time corona virus appeared---initially it was presented that it came from fish from a fish market---and as the corona was being released( energy weaponary and DEW)  it went from corona to covid 19 –certification of identification 2019 ---remember that and we were constantly being shown corona ---corona –corona---a psyop preparing the simpleminded  to be conditioned with a term so when they popped the pandemic everyone was so snagged with the terms they immediately without thinking took a bioweapon---and now we have Modelo a new beer commercial---again for the simpleminded  and again a new psy op –Mode lo---looks like Moder na –so now I wonder how many are going to jump to this---apparently we are a species that’s easily duped and deceived ---we seem to have this flaw and are unable to see programs and operations---we seem to be lacking that brain function!!!! And when you see the add its all about the warrior in you and being whatever and then you re guzzling down a gain of function yeast and high estrogenic material---makes one wonder if this is to get people to be more emotional and irrational and all common sense thrown out the door--

  With this in mind most people are entertained into a state of mindlessness—the facts and fairy tales are so blurred that most people wont even take the time to even look at reality ---heres a satire I find extremely hilarious butttttt the point in all of this is what is being said to show how easily people can be swayed to think and believe whatever the head s of the agenda want---as I have said before we don t have an election you have a selection and campaigns are nothing more then brain washing a public to be programmed to think they are voting for their candidate when in fact they aren’t-- 

  this I have to admit entertained me because the whole satire explicitly showed what actually went on and how the media is now placating to the biden theme that he s still has fight in him===you re about to see more destruction as he continues to campaign to give away more resources the govt doesn’t have to further compromise the next president and he to will continue in this cycle!!!—Now lets get to canadone---OOooOOO canadone –we had a home and native land ---true exiles we are because we didn’t stand—we were maneuvered and bewildered with out the means to understand--- seduced and slaved you see--- we will never be free---O canadone   you thought you were free!! Now you all have lost your pros per I ty!!!! Said to say this is what we stand for now ---we stand for the further destruction of the country by killing people—govt killing canadians---  So now if you have bed sores the solution is Maid!!!! Then the Water –in Canada—one of the abundant resources we have and we cant access it--

so we have so much going on that the issues that’s all tied to all of this is your assets and how the markets and govts have been purposely reducing your assets and how they further are looking at the break down of you so you will be willingly go into the service and be slaughtered over seas or be institutionalized in some medical jail waiting to die or to be bled out financially so you are out in the street where you can then deal with the environment---this is what we are being entertained with---and with the stock markets and the total take out --- people invested in the take out or take down the reality of what we are dealing with is not we are dealing with---we are dealing with the illusion of something that is perceived to be there!!

---this has always been the agenda and we have infiltrators all the time who are ever so happy to comply with the agendas and they themselves don’t realize that they are dispensible once they have served there purpose---and this has been on going for centuries---and now we see almost on every turn the destruction of mankind ---perhaps that’s why Jesus said when the son of man comes—will he find faith on earth!!! Some have different interpretations of this ---and no doubt they can all be applicable---I like simple—and simply put if everyone keeps on not believing what is true and continues in the lies and deceptions---there maybe nothing left---it could all be decimated---some times a cigar is just a cigar without any kind of “spiritual bs “concepts to water down the truth!!  Heres a truth that was told a long time ago and not sure if anyone read it---It surfaced again---we are living in a dream world ---one of fiction—and programming that was integrated in a garden along time ago and in this operating system we are being further assimilated into its matrix to be forever trapped to believe what ever is on the telemonitor running in your programming --this was written along time ago to induce programs and holograms heres the vid

  Then theres this on the agenda for those who still think youre living in a free society—after all that’s been racing forward---to eventually lock everyone down and utilize AI to over write you---first we put you in a cage and tag you                                                  1. Sustainable Metropolitan Area Regeneration Technology   2. Strategic Municipal Advancement and Revitalization Tool
3. Systematic Modernization and Revitalization Technique  4. Sophisticated Municipal Automation and Resource Tracking  5. Strategic Management for Advanced Resource Technologies all are a militarization---and then there this to over write anyone whos deemed a criminal in the new system of comply or die    so we can see ---welll some can see ---that what we aer seeing on TV or other mediums are orchestrating a training and re orienteering people s thinking with seduction-entertainment and entrapments—to reduce –remove- and to reorientate everything ---and it all starts with consumerisms of things that are totally hijacked to further assault and attack your dna and endocrine systems—and to further maneuver you into destitution and to remove all prosperity from you re possession through one means or another---Remember monsters have no land title or can acquire an inheritance---living in a cage tagged with a micro chipped and to train you like a monkey and to allow moments where you can feel free in a cage –is whats done to animals---- and when you see this ---an others don’t---then prepare for war---because when you have mob rule and can be manipulated with irrationality and high emotionalism---that’s where it usually goes---in order to save the countries today you would have to have a unanimous agreement with everyone to just say no---and the infiltrators that would stimulate any dissention---would have to be removed---and then deal with the real problem ---treaason by govt---this is where it is now---so are you ready???      

tonp’s Substack
tonp’s Substack Podcast
My personal Substack DEW TI AI Synthetic Biology nano warfare-genetics- DNA and synthetic DNA-Alternatives in health techno health-- anti nano warfare-